
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Personal note:
How easy it is for me to get discouraged! A hint of negativity from someone I care about, and poof, I put aside my dream to write. The emotional pain of not writing quickly became worse than the fear of negativity and the burning desire to get words down on paper forces me back to this place. Thankfully, I have far more positive people in my life than negative, and these wonderful friends encourage and lift me up in prayer daily! Most importantly, praise God that I have a wonderful friend in Jesus. “He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)  As an answer to prayer, I am thankful that God gave me the gift of an amazing Christian husband who is a constant source of inspiration!

After this brief writing “vacation,”for lack of a better word, (or rather, my not wanting to use a word that is more fitting,) I have started working on my book again. If you are interested in reading the rough draft of the introduction, it is my second blog entry. (June 9th) This is a painfully slow process since one of the anonymous stories to be included is my own. God has so much work to do on me, and I feel His healing hands on mine now, even as I search for words.

I know that God has placed on my heart a desire to write for children as well. While living in Las Vegas, sitting in a church service in 2005, I was moved to write on the note section of the sermon bulletin. The note said something like this: “Write five short stories for children - all proceeds to be given over to God.” I have that bulletin somewhere; it surfaces now and then when I am looking through my writing notes. I have not truly acted upon the prompting until now. I don't know exactly what I am supposed to write about, but I know I must begin. I am praying for guidance and feel led by faith to write about a grey squirrel named Nigel. Please pray for me as Nigel and I take a the first steps tonight on a journey about forgiveness.



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