
Sunday, March 17, 2013


I am very brave if I know I have backup nearby.  My day job is sales, so I face rejection and negativity from time to time.  I know I have an excellent leadership and management team to back me up so I am able to continue with my work.  If I begin to feel overwhelmed with work issues, I always have someone nearby I can talk to.

Why is is to hard for me to share my faith with others?  Many times I forget that I have a spiritual backup and I fail to pursue what I know I should do.  Jesus is right here by my side all the time.  HE is my backup and I am His.

Today the sermon at church was on Acts 8:26 - 40.  In this passage, Philip listened and obeyed God's promptings.  What really struck me about this message was that Philip was listening and heard the Angel. I want, more than anything, to be still and hear the promptings. To know what work God has planned for me. When the Angel speaks, will I be brave enough to act on it as Philip did?  I pray I am. 

Please pray for me, and I welcome your comments