
Friday, April 5, 2013

Your past does not define who you are!

We must constantly be improving, not looking back. It is ok to learn from the past, but too much time dwelling on it will cause success paralysis. Keep moving toward your goal and you will reach it! Blessings!


What ever you are doing, do it with joy. Attitude is an individual choice. People want to be around and do business with people who are happy on the inside and out.

Today I saw a young man holding a large sign advertising a special for an oil change business. He looked so miserable that, even if I wanted an oil change, I wouldn't have pulled in to that shop. Instead of attracting customers, he was deflecting them - quite possibly to a competitor two blocks away!

Try this ... If you are not having business or personal results you would like, take a look at the attitude you chose to wear. If it is not a joyful one, perhaps a quick change is in order.