
Saturday, October 18, 2014

I'm back from vacation

And feeling rejuvenated, even refreshed after 7 exhausting days at theme parks in Orlando, walking every day - all day, I did not wear cosmetics or touch a hair dryer for 9 days. Sunscreen was my only extra while on this trip. I ate whenever and whatever I liked. Surprising enough, I chose healthy foods in most cases. I wore comfortable baggy clothing and a goofy hat.

My goal was to see all of the Disney Parks and both Universal Studios Parks, and more importantly, to take a vacation from worrying what people thought of me. Yes, negative thoughts and self doubt did creep in several times, especially when my husband took out the camera. I fought mightily with my self image - and won! How refreshing.

Physically, I am exhausted. Mentally - I am good to go. I recommend that every woman takes a break like this, even if it is a weekend stay-cation.  

As a side note, I intended to write while on this trip, and did not. I did do much plotting in my mind and have some new character inspiration from the strangers and new friends who surrounded me daily. A hug from this lady helped too!

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