
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Everyday frustrations aren't so bad, or are they?

Recently, I was feeling kind of blah, having a downright bad day for no particular reason. To top it off,  I had to drive five hours in terrible weather. And, if that wasn't bad enough, a fly got into my car and wouldn't leave. He buzzed around my head, an annoying travel companion. Sigh, I was in a bad mood. I have to admit that it was good that I was alone. I would not have been pleasant company.

I was driving along, scanning the radio stations looking for something lively to boost my spirits.  Perhaps a little rock and roll, some oldies, or even some of that modern stuff my teenager likes to listen too would do the trick. I couldn't get anything except Christian radio stations to tune in. I was frustrated and kept hitting the scan button. I finally settled on a station with an upbeat Christian song playing and started to feel a little better. The song was "My Redeemer Lives." I even started belting out the words. Then, wham, negativity struck again. After that song, the program changed to a pastor giving a message on the life of Job. Do you see where I am going with this? I was upset but did not touch the dial.  I continued listening to the story I have heard many times before. But at that moment, it was like new again.

If you are going through a rough patch, I highly recommend reading the book of Job in your bible. It just may put some things into perspective. It did for me. The rest of my drive was spent in silent reflection of all the good things God has given me. I was focusing on all that had been taken away, not realizing that it was all gifted to me by Him in the first place.

Thank you God for getting my attention back where it needed to be.

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