I have finally reached a point where I feel comfortable writing about the last month and a half. I will share a little bit each post.
After a fun day working, I developed a sudden stomach ache. I thought it was food poisoning - yes I did stop at a drive through and scarf down a kraut dog on the road. I was sick overnight, then the pain got worse. The next day, December 23rd, I decided I needed medical help - which would come in the form of the VA emergency room two hours away. I was not able to sit up behind the wheel, so my 17 year old son drove me. Once seen at the VA, I was given blood tests and admitted overnight. IV antibiotics and fluids were shot into my arm and no other tests done. The next day I was released with a diagnosis of Colitis. The only problem was, I felt far worse when I was released than when I got there. I let the nurse know. I was released anyway with no medication and very little advice. Although I was happy to go home for Christmas, I spent the next two days miserable and in pain. I couldn't eat, sleep or stand up straight. I was in constant contact with the VA nurse hotline, to no avail.
The day after Christmas, my upper abdominal pain had reached a point where I could no longer stand it. I was terrified. My husband drove the two hours to the VA hospital again, where thankfully there was a shift change, and a different doctor was taking over. He sent me for a CT scan that showed a large mass on my portal vein. Upon seeing that, the doctor knew my care was out of the spectrum of the VA's ability to care for me.
I was taken by ambulance on another terrifying two hour trip to a hospital that was able to accept me and begin research on how to help. Banner Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix, AZ took charge of my care from that point forward. I had a team of doctors researching my condition as I underwent more testing.
Because of the strength of God, I was able to endure this life changing trial.I felt as if Jesus was there with me, comforting me and walking with me. I had no idea how much comfort I would need for the days ahead.
I have always told you are a great writer. Please keep writing because I know that is what keeps you happy. Please keep your Blog going so we can be updated on your progress.