
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fire and Destruction - Weed, California

My hometown suffered a fire yesterday. Over 100 buildings, many of them homes, burned to the ground. When I graduated high school in 1989 I wanted to get as far away from that small town as I could. I joined the Marine Corps and did exactly that. Since my discharge from active duty, I have moved several times, never looking back. I returned to Weed a couple of times to visit my parents in the 90’s, then, in 2001, I moved them to Las Vegas to live with me. Since then, I have briskly passed through town twice while on road trips, never staying, and certainly never nostalgic.  I didn’t return for my class reunions, even though I went to same school with classmates for 12 years, (13 years - if we count kindergarten.)

Why, now that tragedy has struck, do I want to go back? I want to walk the streets and I want it to be just as I remember.  My old neighborhood, Carrick Addition, seems to have remained untouched. In looking at photos posted online, my heart breaks for so many who have lost so much. I feel drawn to "home," even though, until now, I never thought of it that way. I keep looking at photos and videos of the damage, and feel so helpless.

I no longer have family there, but I do remain loosely connected with a few friends via Facebook. Many of them have lost everything. Please join me in prayer. This is truly a tragedy.
I am out of words to say.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Just One Thing

What if, when life seems overwhelming, we just did one thing nice for someone else? Perhaps even a stranger...

The one thing I am talking about could be something as simple as picking up the piece of trash that someone left in the parking lot. Washing out a co-workers coffee mug, and putting it away for them. Moving a shopping cart from the parking area to the cart corral - or better yet, back to the front of the store. Even one up on that, helping someone who needs assistance to put the groceries into their car, then return the cart for them.

What about sending a "Thank You" card or note to someone who brightened your day? The written word, especially hand-written, goes a long way in touching someone's heart. With all the modern technology - Facebook, LinkedIn, Send out Cards, Email, etc., (all of which I love and use!), a hand written note goes a long way in expressing your gratitude in a very personal way that computer generated print can not. If you don't believe me, send one out. Test my theory and leave a comment. I'd love to hear from you.

These are all really small things that take little time away from a hectic schedule. I find when I do something completely unselfish, I am energized and feel good for hours afterward.

That's what is on my mind today. I must go - just thought of someone I could write a quick note to!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Managing My Time / Or Rather Managing ME Time ?

It seems that my personal life is all about starting over. Is this just happening to me? Can anyone else relate?

I am consistent with my personal inconsistency!  I start a new exercise program, daily bible reading, commit to weekly BLOGGING, and then life happens and it all fades away. I get caught in the whirlwind of life, and before I know it, I am starting over again.

In my career, I set goals and keep or exceed them. Not so on a personal level. Why?

A good friend and I were talking yesterday, and she said something that hit home. "You have to fill yourself up first - take the first 30 minutes of each day, and do something positive just for you." She heard this on a conference call the day before, and we both agreed that it was a good idea in theory. Flight attendants remind us to put our oxygen mask on first, before helping others. Our conversation was over, and I moved on to the next thing I had to do for my day. After all, it is the end of the quarter, and my sales numbers are not as good as they should be this week. 

Never mind that I, in the two weeks prior, exceeded my personal sales goals. But I digress...
Taking time for oneself has always sounded like a good idea for everyone else, but for me, it seems selfish. I am constantly concerned with the care of my mom, son and husband as well as success in a full time sales career. Reading and writing are things I desire and do just for me -which is exactly why they get brushed off my schedule as soon as something more important comes up. I have to be clear and mention that I, and no one else, make the choice to eliminate these items from my schedule.  Over time, I feel empty and drained. I once again get motivated to take time for me, and the feelings of being selfish return. I get back on the merry go round of caring for everyone else.

Normally I would have brushed past the conversation with my dear friend, and kept on with my hectic life. Not this time. I feel like I am stopped in my tracks. I am physically and emotionally exhausted. I know this is a wake-up call like never before.  

My "ME" tank is running low. It may even be empty. I am not feeling as energetic as I used to. I struggle with the thought of adding another chore to my list, even if it is for me. Setting aside 30 minutes seems like a lot. A selfish lot. I ask to no one and everyone, "Is it even Godly to take time for myself?"

Enough of my rant. I am a results driven person when it comes to career and family. It is time for me to take charge of my personal results. And, yes, I am once again starting over. Starting over for me.

Please pray for me as I begin to take time for me at the beginning and end of each day. This time will include bible reading, writing, exercise and, yes - blogging. 

I will be blogging about my writing progress at:
This will, one day, become my author blog.