
Sunday, March 2, 2014

An Unlikely Messenger

Today’s sermon at church ( on John 20) piqued my interest – and, more importantly, convicted me to open my bible this afternoon and learn more. I have attended church for many years, heard sermons and skimmed the gospels in the past, but it never stood out to me how God used Mary Magdalene to spread the word about the resurrection of Jesus. She was actually the first person to hear the Good News – and from Jesus himself! What a blessing! I will get back to this point in a moment.

I will summarize the story as I understand it.  Mary was the last person at the cross after the crucifixion, and the first to arrive at the tomb of Jesus on the day he rose. She went there very early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone was rolled away from the opening.  She was distraught, and ran to tell Peter that the stone was moved and their Lord had been taken away.

The story continues with Mary returning to the tomb. She was weeping because she missed Jesus. Jesus appeared to her and comforted her. She responded by calling out to him and clinging to him. I can imagine her relief in seeing Him there alive! He spoke her name and asked her to relay a very important message to the disciples.  Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.”  (John 20:17 – NKJV)
John 20 continues with Jesus appearing to the disciples on two separate occasions while they were behind closed doors. I am reminded again of how Mary Magdalene sought out the presence of Jesus - she did not wait in fear behind closed doors!

The story is significant in itself; as it shows the fulfillment of prophesy.  HE IS RISEN! AMEN!  

The part that convicted me though, is how God consistently uses seemingly unlikely people to do amazing things.  

Point #1: Women, in general, were considered insignificant back then.

Point #2:  Mary Magdalene was once demon possessed.  Jesus cast out seven demons from her (Luke 8:2). It is also rumored that she was a former woman of ill repute. Before studying today, I believed this to be true, but I cannot find clarification of that in the scripture.

Point #3:  God uses her in a very significant way - she is the FIRST one to see and speak to the Risen Lord! She is the one who takes the message of the resurrection to the disciples. 

I pray to have a heart like Mary Magdalene. She loved Jesus with all she had. He released her from the grasp of demons. She walked with Him; watched Him as He was crucified; she went to His tomb in the early morning, in the dark. Am I willing to love Jesus like Mary? Am I willing to open the locked door and go seek Him? Step out in faith and serve the way He would have me serve?

I pray that God can use me, a woman and a repentant sinner, in a significant way!